Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Day 754 of January...

So... It's cold :(  Woke up this morning to temps around -4 degrees...

I haven't been the best about blogging - obviously, since it has been about a month since I have graced you with my written words.

Diana is 9 months old now!  She weighs 18 pounds, and is 28 inches long!!  She is crawling all over the place, pulling up on everything, trying to hang on things (like a tv tray at my mom's house...).  Still sleeping through the night, which is completely awesome.  And she has started trying new foods.  Mostly purees because I am a nervous momma, but she loves puffs and is a really good eater! 

If you follow me on facebook, then you noticed that today I posted a ridiculously vague post about changes for me.  Let me clarify and be perfectly blunt - I AM NOT PREGNANT.  I DO NOT WANT TO BE PREGNANT.  WE ARE NOT PLANNING TO GET PREGNANT AGAIN. 

I don't mean to yell, but I am just putting this out there to cut out some questions... I will dive deeper in a later post, but Diana is it.

The changes I am referring to are kind of hard for me to put into words.  Since Diana was born, I have really started to come in to being a different person.  I have never been one to care about fashion, or jewelry, or makeup,  or really anything one might consider "girly".  At all.  I don't know how to braid, I don't own a straightener (or even a blow dryer for that matter)  I barely know how to put on the tiny bit of makeup I own.

And then along comes 2019.  I started to think about things differently.  I pretty much shop at Torrid or Target, but most of my clothes come from Torrid.  Long story short, until a few years ago I HATED shopping.  To the point of having a panic attack in the middle of stores...

And then Torrid - again, this is a post for a different day.  I walked in and they treated me so kindly, and they even noticed when I started to get a little panicky and took their time with me.  Now, they all know me, Brandon, AND Diana by name.  I highly recommend them!!

When we shopped a couple weeks ago, something inside told me to try a different color and look... when I tried it on, I LOVED IT!! It was a pink and mauve sweater... very NOT me.  But I loved the way I looked.  Which led me to start thinking about makeup, which also led me to start thinking about accessories/jewelry.

My sister in law is starting to sell Mary Kay - that takes care of my wanting to TRY makeup (not sure I have the time to devote to putting a face on every single day...)

My cousin introduced me to Paparazzi Accessories - each piece is only $5 each!! I have a couple pieces on the way to me to try it out.

So... the changes of 2019 are coming and they are helping me feel beautiful in my skin.  I do have instagram, and will do my best to post pics of the changes as they happen :) 

Thank you for loving me, and allowing me to stretch my legs - so to speak.

Love you, and love yourself!!