Friday, March 26, 2010

Ah... Friday!

I have been doing my research about what I should be doing, workout wise. And everything says “work to you feel the lactic acid build up” but nothing says what that should feel like. Is it “the burn”? Maybe I am crazy, but I sure don’t understand…

I was thinking about taking tonight off. My roomy is sick, I usually go out to a karaoke night on Fridays, and I have a seriously busy weekend ahead of me. At the same time, I almost feel bad for taking tonight off. I don’t know why. No one is telling me I “have” to go. I know, from my own experience, if something goes from a “want to” to a “have to” I won’t enjoy it anymore and will start to loathe it. This is why I only enjoy things I am good at… no “have to” practice! Just kidding.

I know I will be at the gym tomorrow morning, for sure. See, Lucy has a groomer appointment at 8 which is right down from my gym. Might as well take advantage of being awake at 8 AM!! On the weekend!! Plus, Saturday is a full day for me; I don’t know when I would be able to get it in later in the day.

I am possibly running the U City 10 & 2 in St Louis Sunday morning. It is all going to depend on how the weather is. We had been having great spring weather… and then all of the sudden WHAM!! Cold air again. This makes me sad. It’s supposed to be cold and rainy, which should be read “Catch a cold air” I am not willing to take any chances with my health. I am going to try to find the time tomorrow to at least go get my t-shirt that I already paid for! (That’s terrible isn’t it?)

Got Ironman on my brain today for some reason… Usually I think about training during the day, but today I am really wishing that I could find coverage online to watch or something, you know? Ah, well, this will have to suffice for now! Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Last night was the third night in a row this week I have been at the gym. And each night I have been doing 2 miles on the elliptical and then spending about 10 or 15 minutes lifting. Last night I only did the elliptical, though. Usually I get on a machine that doesn’t have the arms, but last night I decided to try it out. I don’t think I am coordinated enough for that, and I don’t understand how it works your arms and maybe I am doing it wrong. But when I hang on with my hands, it feels like I slow myself down…

I ended up not using the arms much last night. But I love where the stationary handles are on those machines. I felt more balanced holding on there than on the other machines. Either way though, my hands are really hurting me today. Was I hanging on too tight? I try to remember to keep breathing, breathe deep, and keep a loose grip. My shoulders feel really tight if I grip too tight, and I am pretty sure that’s not how it’s supposed to work.

I am just hoping that my skin goes back to where it should be. My arms and legs, for the most part, have been particularly muscular. I carry all of my fat on my belly. I hate it. That’s why I always wear a compression shirt at the gym. It keeps not only my belly, but my girls in place while I am moving. I don’t want to get a black eye while I am working out, so I do my best to at least keep the girls in place. I can’t even do a full sit up. I doubt I do my cruncher properly, so how do I make this go away?

I had thought about trying some workout ball exercises, but I don’t know which ones to do. I have already read that a BOSU ball could help. I just wish working out was as fun as this.

Hopefully I will figure it out.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I can, can you?

Something that many people don’t know about me is that when I started college, I began as a music performance major; emphasis on vocal music. Kind of weird when you think about the fact that I ended up with a diploma in Business Administration and now work in the payroll/HR industry…

I have a love for music, I always have. According to my parents, I could sing before I could talk… This should explain the 1000’s of songs on my computer. I can’t remember how many days worth of music I have, but it’s plenty. And for all occasions too! I love all music, yes even opera. In fact, one of my courses in college was vocal operatic instruction. I learned how to hit a high C without my head exploding. It’s really simple once you have the technique down.

Why all this talk about music? Well, I made a play list on my iPod specifically for the gym; its mainly upbeat music. I didn’t have long to put a play list together, but from all of my music I have 166 songs on my play list. If I had to only choose one song to consider my absolute favorite, I would have to say (I) can can (you?) performed by Vanessa Mae. It’s awesome! And for some reason, when it comes on, I suddenly enjoy whatever it is I am doing when it starts.

I don't know if that would be a good thing or a bad thing that it gets me pumped up, but it really does!  The music starts and I forget that I am working out.  I forget that I am standing on an eliptical trainer, which by the way is actually really fun.

When I worked out before, I would plug my ear bugs into the tv on the machine and watch the tube, I never felt like I had a decent workout.  Now, I find the movement slightly distracting.  Almost makes me motion sick actually.  That's really crazy, huh?  I can't even read in the car anymore thanks to feeling sick.  That really made for a really boring 11 hour ride to Mississippi this summer...

What is your "get moving" music?  I would love to find other music to get moving to!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

So, I worked out last night, and I worked out the night before. I actually feel great! I thought I would be hurting, but honestly it’s not that bad.

Tonight, my mom is making biscuits and gravy. She makes the best milk gravy. EVER! So, when she told me that’s what she was making for dinner, I asked what time dinner was. Seriously, her b&g is the absolute best! I told my roomy when I got home, her response was pretty close to mine. To make up for indulging in foods that I probably shouldn’t be, I am going to go for a run around mom’s neighborhood.

I looked it up on Google distance finder and from her house all the way around the neighborhood is a little over 1 mile. To make it interesting, I am going to take mom’s dog, Lizzie. Lizzie is a soft coated wheaten terrier. She looks like the dog from Fraggle Rock! But she is kind of rambunctious. She has been to Puppy College, and classes at PetsMart, but still has a little trouble here and there. She is taller than my Lucy, but Lucy outweighs her by about 10 pounds. Lucy is my baby. Don’t know what she is, but it doesn’t matter.

Lucy and I are going to “race” in the Humane Society of Missouri’s Fast and Furriest 1 mile run/walk. Lucy loves to go for walks, but doesn’t last too long. She walks around the block and gets close to home and then just sits down… and won’t budge. So, we have a lot to work on. She is the coolest dog ever! She found me, and it was a match made in puppy heaven for her. She obviously had been abused in her last home, which is so hard for me to understand. She is so sweet and incredibly smart, how could anyone ever hurt her?

See? This was taken the first night (after a day at the groomer to get her all cleaned up) at home with me.

Through my weight loss adventures, I have found that Lucy enjoys veggies! She also likes some fruits. She hasn’t quite figured out carrots if they aren’t cooked, but other than that, she loves them! When I cut up fresh veggies, her and my roomy’s girls (she has 2 minpins- daisy and piper) sit right at my feet. The minpins sometimes don’t like the veggies, but Lucy will eat just about anything… true story- she ate an entire pack of gum, wrappers and all. She doesn’t know this, but starting next week we are going to get training for the 1 mile. I would like for her to at least be able to walk it… without it hurting her.

I love the fact that the weather is changing now! I am planning a bike ride for this weekend :) hopefully to complete the entire loop around Edwardsville. Maybe one day, I will get the nerve to run the whole thing too! What a way to cross train. The trail is part of the Madison Country Trail way system. Basically, the county took out railway tracks that are no longer used and paved them. The loop cuts through SIUE, which is at the bottom of the bluff and goes all the way through downtown, which is on top of the bluff. It’s a nice climb, and would probably make for good training both on the bike and on foot.
Ah… well, I guess we will see if I wake up on Saturday morning with the drive and ambition to take it on.

Happy St. Patty’s Day! The closest thing to Christmas the Irish get!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring is trying to spring...

Well, I sure can tell the weather is changing in this neck of the woods! It is FABULOUS! I spent the weekend grilling and catching up with friends. It was great! I can’t wait to do it again. I love my new gas grill!  It looks so pretty on my back deck.

I didn’t work out at all this weekend, because I still felt a little aggravated with the whole gym thing. Why did I feel aggravated? Well, things aren’t going as planned. I had hoped that I would have dropped some weight and would feel stronger, and honestly I haven’t and I don’t. The numbers have not budged. My clothes don’t fit any more lose today than they did the last time I went shopping a month ago. I was told to eat more protein, yeah that didn’t work out so well for me. I would make it through training sessions, but that was about it.

So, what are my plans? Well, I have been reading a book. Triathlon training: from start to finish line. It talks about nutrition and workout plans. It has levels from couch potato to skilled ironman! This is going to be my first week following what the book is saying. Tonight is either a rest night, or weight training night. So, without my trainer (story to follow) and without the stress of feeling like I am being stared at (I never was to begin with) I will be walking the treadmill for 2 miles and then lifting weights.

Why without my trainer? Well, I only originally paid for 4 sessions to begin with and I lack the funds to continue working with her. No worries though, I can ask questions any time and I plan to stick to what my tri books tell me, I should be fine. It seems to be all about listening to my body and pushing just a bit harder, all of which I can do!

I am going to stick as close to the South Beach Diet as I can, which I was already doing until I was told to eat more protein… And I have done fairly well with no fast food. I have had it like 3 times since January 1, and let me tell you… I am not missing anything. I thought it was going to be the best meal ever, and it really wasn’t. I had a salad from taco bell, and it tasted like they spilled bleach on it. To be sure it was only my taste buds refusing to enjoy a plate full of crap; I had my roomy try it. She spat it out in the trash, asking if I was trying to kill her. No, I promise I wasn’t. I just wanted to be sure it really tasted bad or if it was just me… It apparently really tasted bad.
Get out the bikes, dust them off, and air up the tires! Why? Because the weather is beautiful outside and its go time!

Until next time…