Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wacky Wednesday!!

The last few days have been pretty... rough.  I have been in a horrible funk and haven't figured out how to dig myself out.

It started Friday... and I just continued to sink lower and lower into a deep dark depression.  Saturday, I literally stayed in my jammies until 6 when we HAD to go out.  Sunday, I forced myself to get ready and go to church, thinking it would help - it did for the moment.  Sunday night, I sang with my parents at church - that really helped for the moment - and then went back to my in-law's for family night and Super Bowl.  Monday, I cried all the way to work, and then all the way home.  Tuesday was pretty much the same way...

This brings me to today.  Why am I spilling my guts about my 5 day depression?  Because adulting is messy.  I am not perfect, and I never want to pretend to be!  I want YOU to know that if you ever feel the same or are currently feeling the same way, you are not alone.

Yes, I know how desperately hard it is to get out of your own head space - especially when the thoughts are getting darker and darker with each passing minute.  I know it's even harder to put a smile on your face when you feel anything but smiley.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel.  You DO matter!  Your feelings ARE important!

I want this blog to be a safe place - where you feel comfortable to speak your mind, share your thoughts/feelings, where you don't feel alone.  So... how can we connect?  How can we interact?

I woke up this morning feeling better.  Not 100%, but better.  I put makeup on for the first time this morning.  I put on one of my new necklaces with the outfit that I particularly bought the piece for.  When I looked in the mirror, for the first time in a REALLY long time, I liked what I saw!!

Today, tell yourself to stay beautiful.  Say it in whatever way you can to make yourself feel better, or alive in the moment!  Tomorrow may not be like this, but for today - I AM BEAUTIFUL!

Have a Wednesday as AWESOME as you are!!

PS - If you want to view some of the jewelry that I have become obsessed with (thanks to my cousin!!!!) or if you want to chat makeup with my sister, let me know!  I will hook you up and tag you where necessary :)