Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Trials of Soon to be Motherhood!!

I read this article, and I have to share it with you all!

After reading and laughing my way through this, I had a split second in which I felt guilty.  I felt guilty because we tried for so long to get pregnant, I should be enjoying it, right?

Well – confession time… I have not enjoyed being pregnant.  There are moments of joy!  Like feeling her move, watching my husband’s face when he felt her move for the first time, or that moment of pure happiness when we see her during the ultrasounds!  But pregnancy is kind of dumb…

Let me break it down for you – in my own experience. 

First trimester – I basically spent the whole 3 months either puking or feeling like I was going to puke.  Nothing tasted good, nothing sounded good because of the nausea, and I just felt “weird”

Second trimester – started out decent, since the nausea started to ease up.  Then my back started to hurt, to the point where I now have to see my chiropractor twice a week just to maintain an upright position…  It’s getting better, I don’t cry out in pain during adjustments anymore… but getting started was rough.  Then, I started to feel her tap dance on my bladder… 

Third trimester – only a couple days in, so I really have no comment on this one yet.  Other than Little Miss Stretch-It-Out has started the wonderful feeling of putting her tiny feet on my ribs and then pushing as hard as she can – apparently she will continue to do this until she gets here.

Throughout this whole experience, I have had major anxiety – over small things that can easily be controlled (how am I going to keep up with laundry, if bending over makes me want to puke?) to things largely out of my control – (dear Lord, please don’t let me poop during delivery, with a room full of people… although I am hearing that it happens to everyone and I won’t care at the time) 

My husband and our moms have really been heaven sent through all of this.  Between my husband picking up my slack without complaint, to his mom reassuring me that it will all be just fine, and my mom laughing with me at the silly “mom truth videos” that we find on Facebook (and reassuring me that she will be right by my side the whole time) my pregnancy really is a piece of cake!

I am trying to count it ALL joy – since we prayed, and cried, and tried for so long to get to this point.  I have absolute ZERO regrets about her.  And even though there are groups on Facebook who try to make parents seem selfish, or turn pregnancy and motherhood into a “Mom of the Year Contest” (how horrible are people, anyway?) I wouldn’t trade one thing for this!  I am thankful that I get to experience this at all – puke, poop fears, and anxiety included! 

I recognize that not everyone gets this opportunity.  I thought I was one of those people.  But seriously, pregnancy has not been fun… 

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