Thursday, February 25, 2010

Attitude Adjustment

I went to the gym last night and used an elliptical machine for 30 minutes, which totaled 2 miles!! Maybe it’s not that much for some, but it’s good for me!! I felt great when I got home. I really did. My leg muscles were tight but not aching, I was tired but not feeling beaten, and I don’t feel so crabby today!

I have noticed that if I get too hot, or too hungry, I get really crabby and have a seriously bad attitude. I also have realized that if I don’t get the exercise I feel I need, I get crabby. I think that is why I have been in such a bad mood lately. With traveling for work, working out has been pushed to the side for the last couple of weeks. I did use the hotel workout room, but it’s not the same.

I noticed something else about me last night. Instead of listening to the TV on the machine, I listened to my iPod. When the music started, I felt immediately energized!! I felt like doing the elliptical for 30 minutes was no big thing. And I noticed that when the tempo went up, I moved a little faster! I just wish I could figure out how to run on a treadmill. I am afraid I am going to fall. @MrsFatass, over at did I just eat that out loud, has the best example of how I feel I would run on a treadmill; Phoebe from Friends style. Check out her post… she included a video. It’s hilarious! And so true. I guess I will just have to bite the bullet and attempt to run. My biggest fear is falling. I don’t want to get hurt and I don’t want to look like an idiot either.

So I guess what I have learned in the last 24 hours is that I need an attitude adjustment. If I have a bad day, go to the gym and work it out. And leave it all at the gym. Listen to music rather than watch the stupid TV (which I totally admit I am addicted to) to stay motivated, remember your goals and why you are doing this.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Welcome Back!

It sure has been a while, and for that I apologize. I have been doing a lot of traveling for work, and it has really taken its toll on me. I went to Florida twice in 3 weeks! The sun was beautiful and refreshing. Just what I needed in the middle of a Midwestern winter that seems like it will never go away.

This sure has been a long year, and its only February. If you ask anyone who knows me well, they will tell you that I like things to happen NOW, not later. Well, these weight loss results are happening later. The numbers have not changed, not even a little bit. My size has, because my clothes seem to be getting larger. Shouldn’t I see numbers dropping?? I mean seriously. But!! I am not giving up, at least not yet. I told myself it would be hard, I told you it would be hard. I know what I am up against. This fat didn’t appear on me over night, it won’t disappear overnight either.

In other news, my friends and I went to a new bar in St. Louis. Well, it’s new to us. It’s a place called Bar5. We sang karaoke! It was awesomely fun. I had a blast! I don’t know what it is about karaoke, but I always seem to have fun doing that.

So, thanks to my friend Brian, I have become interested in bikes; as in bicycles. In about 2 week’s time, I went from having 1 mountain bike that I barely would ride to having 6 bikes in my garage at one time! Oh yes, 6 bikes. I kept my mountain bike, but am considering selling it. I bought a road bike to train on. I bought a Ross Beach Cruiser for my roomy, which is in pieces because I am in the process of getting it cleaned up for her. I bought a 1940 J.C. Higgins (Sears answer to a Schwinn) and then I ransacked my grandpa’s shed for a 1967 Schwinn Racer and my purple Murray Banana Seat bike!

When I told Brian about the racer, we arranged a trade. He LOVES vintage bikes, and has quite a collection. He traded me the racer for a Terranaut Allegro. I don’t know if it was even or not, but he hasn’t said anything so I assume it was pretty close. Its red and it bears the name of my works’ properties in Florida. Our senior living facilities are all “The Allegro at” and the name follows. I thought that was awesome! What a reason to trade a bike, huh?

Of course, it has been too stinking cold outside to ride ANY of them; let alone work on any of them out in the garage. Especially when I know that Lucy will want to sit out there with me. Lucy is my dog. She is the coolest dog ever! She doesn’t know it yet, but in April she is running a mile with me for the Fast and Furriest! Hopefully she can make it. I would take her for walks around the neighborhood. And when she got too tired, she would just sit down. I would keep walking, but she would sit there. I am not going to push her though. I will take her as far as she can go.

Speaking of races… This last Sunday was a race called Mud-N-Gutz. It was a 4k race that was complete with MUD and GUTZ!! Just kidding, it was supposed to be a course that had hay bales to jump and things like that. Sunday morning, I got woken up by a text message asking me to pick up my friends race info for her and her cousin, they slept in. Completely confused, I asked them what she was talking about. Yep, I totally forgot about the race! I signed up, and then started traveling for work and completely forgot all about it. I was so upset. I wanted to do it! But then I looked outside and saw that it was raining and icky, then I didn’t feel so bad. My friend ended up making the race, she even picked up my race t-shirt for me. There is always next year!

I think that pretty much covers what I have been up to… other than feeling bad for not working out as much I should have. But I blame plains and traveling on that. I did use the hotel workout room, but it’s not the same. Until next time!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I give up!

This is my confession… I almost fell off the wagon. I almost tried to give up on myself. Why? Because the scale isn’t moving; at least it doesn’t seem to be. And because of the lack of movement-out of the scale and out of myself- I feel terrible! I feel depressed, tired, and just not with “it”.

You know what a plant looks like when you don’t water it? It droops and looks sad, and almost lifeless if you leave it long enough. The leaves look tired and you know it is just not happy? That’s exactly what I feel like. I know I am not getting the nutrition that I need, I definitely know I am not getting the exercise I need, but I don’t feel motivated at the moment to change it.

Last night, by the time I got home from work and picking up my new barbeque grill, it was almost 8! At night!! So, what did I do for dinner? I had my roomy order pizza, again, for like the 3rd time since I have been home from my business trip. I got back last Thursday… I haven’t had that much pizza in such a short amount of time since, well… I can’t tell you because I don’t remember how long it’s been.

I need to remind myself of why I am doing this, so here is my list (I am a list maker-btw)

1 being fat sucks!
2 being fat hurts everywhere!
3 I don’t love or respect myself like I should- and that is not healthy!
4 I don’t want to die!
5 I want to be healthy!

I could elaborate more on each of those things, but I will let you come up with your own reasons for why I chose those things. What you come up with is probably just as good, if not exactly the same as my thought.

I wish I did feel motivated though. Just a month ago, I thought I was ready to run a 5k! A 5K! That is 3.1 miles of constant running. And though the 2 I have done so far, I didn’t run most of it, but I felt great when I finished! I felt like I had accomplished something. And when I did my strength test with my trainer, I did so much better than I thought I ever would! So what the hell is my problem??

I don’t even feel like cooking when I come home anymore. And I have fallen head over heels in love with cooking! I just feel like coming home and going to bed.

I guess this is my scream for motivation from you! What gets you going? What would you want me to tell you if you were in my position? At this point, I will even listen to not so nice screaming in my face, if it will help me move my fat ass…

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Update from Traveling...

Please forgive me, but it certainly has been a while, hasn’t it? I have been traveling for work, and haven’t had much of a chance to update my blog. That makes me sad.

Nothing new to report, except that traveling and trying to lose weight is not really an easy thing to do. But I have been trying my best. And my best is all I can ask for.

I can tell my body is changing due to working out, but honestly I don’t think there have been any changes in the actual weight department. I can tell by being able to buy clothes that are a size smaller, and I do feel much better than I did before I started working out. I just hope there are some changes in the weight. My trainer advised not to get on a scale too often, because it will get discouraging if I don’t see changes in my weight. So, I am going to trust what she said and staying off.

Hope everyone has a great week!