I went to the gym last night and used an elliptical machine for 30 minutes, which totaled 2 miles!! Maybe it’s not that much for some, but it’s good for me!! I felt great when I got home. I really did. My leg muscles were tight but not aching, I was tired but not feeling beaten, and I don’t feel so crabby today!
I have noticed that if I get too hot, or too hungry, I get really crabby and have a seriously bad attitude. I also have realized that if I don’t get the exercise I feel I need, I get crabby. I think that is why I have been in such a bad mood lately. With traveling for work, working out has been pushed to the side for the last couple of weeks. I did use the hotel workout room, but it’s not the same.
I noticed something else about me last night. Instead of listening to the TV on the machine, I listened to my iPod. When the music started, I felt immediately energized!! I felt like doing the elliptical for 30 minutes was no big thing. And I noticed that when the tempo went up, I moved a little faster! I just wish I could figure out how to run on a treadmill. I am afraid I am going to fall. @MrsFatass, over at did I just eat that out loud, has the best example of how I feel I would run on a treadmill; Phoebe from Friends style. Check out her post… she included a video. It’s hilarious! And so true. I guess I will just have to bite the bullet and attempt to run. My biggest fear is falling. I don’t want to get hurt and I don’t want to look like an idiot either.
So I guess what I have learned in the last 24 hours is that I need an attitude adjustment. If I have a bad day, go to the gym and work it out. And leave it all at the gym. Listen to music rather than watch the stupid TV (which I totally admit I am addicted to) to stay motivated, remember your goals and why you are doing this.
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