Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Sisterhood of the Traveling 6 Month Old

This little bug will be 6 months old on Sunday... Mom is not handling it well, at all!  She is hitting a ton of milestones - attempting to crawl, enjoying (homemade) purees, grabbing things, teething... but I want her to stay little!  I mean, I want her to grow up, because it has been the wildest ride watching her grown and change.  But I sure am going to miss my little, tiny bundle!!

Along with turning 6 months old on Sunday, she is also getting ready to go on her first ever "vacation"  My parents host a bus trip to Branson every year for our church, and I have been going to help out and also take TONS of pictures!  Last year, I went while I was almost 4 months pregnant - that was a nauseating trip (I was still in the throwing my guts up constantly stage...) but I always ALWAYS have a great time!  Spending time with my parents, and spending time with the people of our church always results in a wonderful trip!!

This time, though, will be completely different.  Taking Diana with me is making me very anxious... I worry that she will scream the whole ride down and back, I worry that she will annoy the people on the bus who are planning to have a relaxing trip, I worry that I am going to forget something, and all of this is just made 103848701048 times worse thanks to my stupid postpartum anxiety...

I don't even want to tell you how many lists I have started just to make sure that I don't forget a single thing... or that I have asked my mom to come help me pack to make sure I have covered it all.  Oy, this is nerve wracking.

So, here I am, dear reader!! Telling you that even 6 months in, I still don't have it all together :)  And that's ok!

What are your packing tips?  What are the do's?  What are the don'ts?

Also... Anyone know Amanda Mason??  She won the Snuza, but has not responded to me about the prize!! Anyone?? Anyone?? Bueller??


  1. I say don’t stress, there’s walmarts everywhere :) surely they have what you forget! I have forgot so many things between the three kids and my husband I pack for, just don’t forgot the kids and you’re doing good!

    1. there is a walmart...problem is, we will be on a 55 passenger bus.

  2. Following - let us know how the road trip goes!! I'm all about some tips to help beebins do better in the car for me.

    Don't know Amanda...
