Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I give up!

This is my confession… I almost fell off the wagon. I almost tried to give up on myself. Why? Because the scale isn’t moving; at least it doesn’t seem to be. And because of the lack of movement-out of the scale and out of myself- I feel terrible! I feel depressed, tired, and just not with “it”.

You know what a plant looks like when you don’t water it? It droops and looks sad, and almost lifeless if you leave it long enough. The leaves look tired and you know it is just not happy? That’s exactly what I feel like. I know I am not getting the nutrition that I need, I definitely know I am not getting the exercise I need, but I don’t feel motivated at the moment to change it.

Last night, by the time I got home from work and picking up my new barbeque grill, it was almost 8! At night!! So, what did I do for dinner? I had my roomy order pizza, again, for like the 3rd time since I have been home from my business trip. I got back last Thursday… I haven’t had that much pizza in such a short amount of time since, well… I can’t tell you because I don’t remember how long it’s been.

I need to remind myself of why I am doing this, so here is my list (I am a list maker-btw)

1 being fat sucks!
2 being fat hurts everywhere!
3 I don’t love or respect myself like I should- and that is not healthy!
4 I don’t want to die!
5 I want to be healthy!

I could elaborate more on each of those things, but I will let you come up with your own reasons for why I chose those things. What you come up with is probably just as good, if not exactly the same as my thought.

I wish I did feel motivated though. Just a month ago, I thought I was ready to run a 5k! A 5K! That is 3.1 miles of constant running. And though the 2 I have done so far, I didn’t run most of it, but I felt great when I finished! I felt like I had accomplished something. And when I did my strength test with my trainer, I did so much better than I thought I ever would! So what the hell is my problem??

I don’t even feel like cooking when I come home anymore. And I have fallen head over heels in love with cooking! I just feel like coming home and going to bed.

I guess this is my scream for motivation from you! What gets you going? What would you want me to tell you if you were in my position? At this point, I will even listen to not so nice screaming in my face, if it will help me move my fat ass…

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your last post! Life style changes are never easy!

    '5. I want to be healthy!'

    I think that should be your number one! Do not think of fat vs. skinny, die vs living, love vs. no love.

    Think about the food you are eating and eat healthy - protein, grains, dairy, fruits and veggies.

    Excercise - but not a Biggest Loser, Last Chance workout - simple old fashion walking, jump rope, tennis, etc. Just as long as you are moving.

    Think about the calories you are digesting vs fat burning exercise!

    'You' want to be healthy! You will find the balance! Do not get discouraged, we all fall off the wagon, threaten to give up and/or decide it is not worth it!

    In the end, it is worth it and it is fun! And you will love yourself for finishing what you have started (as well as loving the new you!)
