Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bike rides, 4th of July, and being worthy

I finally went and bought my cruiser! My mom bought one too. I called her up and said "we are going somewhere, but put on comfy clothes and comfy shoes." Once I got her in the car, I told her we were going to get bikes. And I told her it was because I am sick of making excuses as to why I don't or won't do things. So, we went to Wal-Mart, only because if we didn't enjoy it we didn't want to spend a lot of money, and bought cruisers. I bought the one in the picture from my last post; mom bought a purple female cruiser. I am starting to realize that my legs are too short to ride a 26 inch bike... I think I just need to get used to it again.

When we got them back home, we made a few adjustments to our liking and off we went. I didn't think we went that far, but according to the distance tracker, we went 3 miles! 3 MILES!! No wonder my lady parts hate me today... We went a mile and a half out and back. We were going to make a loop, but we started to feel tired, so we turned around and came back. It wasn't too hot, and we took water with us in my back pack so we stopped a few times to rest in the shade.

Today, we went for a bike ride, but only went around the neighborhood. Mom wanted to go farther, but my lady parts just wouldn't let me. They screamed at me the entire time! The distance was a mile, which isn't too bad for day 2.

I also went swimming at my cousin's house, but really I just laid in a floaty for a while. I don't know how to swim laps, and honestly the water was too cold to do much in anyway. BUT tomorrow I am going to ride bikes with my mom, and then after that I am going to go back to my cousin's house and get in the pool. I am determined to figure out how to swim, without killing myself! She gave me full access to the pool anytime I wanted, so I have to give it a try. My cousin also offered to get me into Weight Watchers with her daughter. I don't like to give out any info on my family, but to give an idea of ages here between me and my cousin... my cousin is probably 15 years older than me, and her daughter graduated in 2006 so it's not like we are talking a small kid or anything.

I am considering it, only because I need help that I can't give myself. I need better guidance on eating and exercising. More than I can get out of a book on my own. It would be nice to have someone, flesh and blood, right there with me every step of the way. Someone to encourage me, maybe even scream in my face when needed, and remind me that I AM worth it. I am worthy of love, friendship, and reaching any goal that I set for myself.

I am not the only person in the world who doesn’t feel this way, I know I am not the only one who feels worthy. But let me tell you this, before I sound too preachy and feel like I should stand behind a pulpit, you are worthy. You are worth every single bit of it. You are worth everything you want. So am I. But I bet you think like I do, it’s nice to hear it from someone OUTSIDE the situation. It’s nice when someone else tells you that you are beautiful, desired, worthy, anything you want to hear.

But you need to know it in order to live it, which isn’t easy. So, I am going to step off my soap box and go watch some fireworks and feel like a kid again.

Happy 4th!

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