Hey there!
How are you?? It sure has been a while since I have graced the pages of the interwebs!
So... where are we? Well, I have started over. Which means, this blog is starting over. Things have changed, including my weight. I actually weigh more now than I did on my last post from 2010... BUT, that's ok!
Here is what I know for sure... I don't know anything! I am far from an expert, I am not a doctor, and the only license I hold is a valid drivers license. The opinions expressed in this blog, both in the past and in the future, are mine and mine alone. I am not being paid by anyone to write what I write, or do what I do.
Should that change, you will be the first to know!
What have you been up to, Shanna? Well, since my last post, I have met and married my wonderful husband and at the beginning of 2016, we joined a gym:
The Hit Squad
We are currently training in Muay Thai kickboxing, and I have taken some Judo classes.
My ultimate goal is to be able to hold my own in the octagon. Notice, I did not say WIN, I am not even convinced I ever want to take a fight. But how cool would it be to be presented with an opportunity AND be able to say YES?!
I can't promise you that this is going to be easy... in fact, I can almost promise you that this is going to be very very hard! I am sure I will want to quit, but I won't. Not this time!
But I will be real with you, no matter how hard the truth is. I will be open, I will be honest, and I will do my very best to be the best I can be.
If I won't give up, you shouldn't give up! You HAVE to start somewhere! I walked into my first Judo class in February completely unable to do a somersault... yes, a head over heals somersault. I was nervous, I was scared, and yes... I was completely embarrassed. But my Sensei did not give up on me, and as of late I have completed 3 somersaults!
You have to start somewhere, and the best place to start is the beginning.
Here is to new beginnings!
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