Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thirsty Thursday – My attempt to drink 100 ounces of water each day

I was challenged at the beginning of this year to drink 3 liters of water, which is roughly 100 ounces of water… and since tomorrow is the start of the 4th month of this challenge, I have learned a few things.

1 – that is a TON of water!!  The first couple of days, I found myself wondering how I would ever get through 100 ounces of water… Think about that… That is 20 ounces 5 times!  That is approximately 6 standard bottles of water.  Thankfully, I got a really neat Superman cup for Christmas with the ounces marked on the size.  Fill it up and empty it 5 times a day, easier said than done!

2 – It took scheduling to get myself into the habit.  Here is my schedule:

                20 ounces: Between 9-12
                20 ounces: Between 12-1  (that is my lunch hour)
                20 ounces: Between 1-5
                20 ounces: Between 5-8
                20 ounces: Between 8-Bedtime

Now that I follow that schedule fairly closely, I am actually getting much more than 100 ounces sometimes.

3 – How much is too much?  This is what my doctor suggested:  Take your body weight, divide in half = How many ounces a day you should drink.

A 200 pound person should drink 100 ounces of water a day.  300 pounds means 150 ounces, and so forth.

4 – Too much can be too much!  You can actually die from too much water!  It’s called water intoxication.  Basically, what happens is your body is unable to keep up with the amount of water you are putting in, and can’t get it out fast enough.  This causes your electrolytes to get thrown out of balance, your potassium levels can get disrupted, and eventually the cells in your body start to swell.  Eventually, it can cause death.  So be careful out there kids!  Make sure you are getting enough water, but don’t overdo it!

5 – I got through my soda and tea addiction rather quickly!  Now, I don’t know if it was the water, my determination, or I just didn’t feel anything… But by day 3, not only had I not had a soda, I also hadn’t had the typically withdrawals: Headaches, crabbiness, cravings…  you get it!  I will admit, on Sunday (our cheat day) I have had a soda from time to time.  But it has only been 1 and on Monday I am right back at drinking water.

Do I sleep better?  I haven’t noticed.  Does my skin look better?  Meh, I still get break outs during those wonderful times of the month.  But I do know I am not drinking my calories anymore (recovering Dr. Pepper addict…)

I am not suggesting that you drink 100 ounces of water; I would suggest talking to your doc before that!  I would suggest that you trade out at least 1 soda for water instead.  Make a goal for you to switch out 1 soda for water each day, then up the amount to 2 sodas for water. 

Stay thirsty my friends!


  1. Good advice! Sometimes its a fail before you even start if you make a big change like quitting soda. I've been through the withdrawals several times....its no fun. But I always go back. Shame on me. I think ill try your way this time.

  2. @Nicole - I had tried so many times before to quit soda, and continually kept going back. Now, I am done with soda and I feel good! Just don't quit! Pound it out, and don't give up! Let me know what you think after a couple days! I LOVE achievement stories!!
