Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday Randomness!

Wow!  Friday is finally here!  It’s such a special day, especially to those of us that today signifies the weekend is around the corner!

For me, it also starts my vacation!!  We aren’t going anywhere, just hanging around the house and getting some things accomplished.  Just some spring cleaning, working on the SRT-4, and hanging out together.  I am sure plenty of movies will be seen, such as Batman v. Superman!! 

I have a couple things I want to share today, so bear with me!  I know many of you are excited about different things I said I would post today… so let me start with my exciting morning!

This is NOT an April fool’s joke, and no… Baby Loness is not making an appearance.  But something else super exciting happened this morning!

I wake up this morning, like I do… and after the bathroom (don’t worry, I will spare you that trip) I come back to the bedroom to start getting dressed.  BUT FIRST!! I pull the scale out of its resting place, and have a serious conversation with it.  It went something like this “please work with me today… don’t make this week of hard work be in vain.”  It just sat there on the floor, staring back at me.  Because, well… you know… scales have eyes!  They see the most vulnerable part of me.

Now, I am not 100% sure if I am ready to reveal the actual numbers or not… well, actually, yes I am!  I am using this blog as a journal for myself ALONG WITH accountability to my friends and family!  SO, I guess I have no choice but to reveal the numbers.

I started our journey on January 5th at the heaviest I have ever been in my entire life… 291 and some change.  This is why we started to begin with!  The doc said that in order for me to have a baby safely, I should consider losing some weight, and finally I agreed with her…

Today, my scale looked me in the face and flashed 267.4 on its digital screen.  I was shocked, and thought Happy April Fool’s to me… I rubbed my eyes, I was still half asleep at this point, turned the bedroom lights on, and stepped on again.  The little blue light started flashing 267.4 at me again!  Just then, the hubs rounded the corner to make sure I was up… and I showed him what it said in my disbelief!  Sure enough, he confirmed 267.4!!!!!  24 pounds down and out the window!!!!!  Today is a good day, regardless of what happens!!  I still have a LONG way to go, but my gosh what an awesome way to start Friday AND vacation!!

Now, onto another topic I promised I would reveal today!  In muay thai training, we use boxing gloves and shin pads:

We don't have the head gear or the chest guard, yet...

But just like any other sports equipment, they tend to stink after a while.  Badly!  And usually what happens is that once the stink gets out of control, most people toss the gear and get new.  I am here to tell you, that can get stupid expensive!  For 2 people, we spent over $200.00 on our gear, and that doesn’t include our super awesome mouth guards, or my gi for judo and jujitsu.

Thank you to the wonderful world of Facebook, a friend of mine posted about an all-natural spray that she used on some soccer cleats that were originally not allowed in her friend’s home.  Then she shared that after 1 complete spray down, the cleats are now sitting in the living room of said house!

Being a generally skeptical person, I asked her if she was for real.  She told me that she wouldn’t share it on Facebook if it wasn’t true.  I asked her if she thought that it would work on kickboxing gear, she didn’t see why it wouldn’t.  So, I bought a bottle.

When I received the spray, I won’t lie… I was a little leery.  It was a small 8.45 ounce bottle with a spray nozzle included, and it just looked like skim milk.  I put the nozzle on, pulled out my gear and sprayed 1 spray.  It smelled amazing!  Kind of floral, but it wasn’t over powering by any means.  It smelled “clean” like when you put fresh sheets on the bed, and they smell “clean” I was hooked!  All of my gear got a good soaking, the bottle says for the first application to soak thoroughly.  I sprayed my gear bag, and I even sprayed my gi!  And then I sprayed my husband’s gear!

The ultimate test was a set of shin pads one of my coaches keeps at the gym… under the cage… because his wife refuses to allow them into the house.  I soaked them down on Monday night and put them back.  I figured smelling them immediately would probably not be wise.  After Judo last night, my coaches daughter (who had just been promoted to a BLUE BELT!! GO ROWDY GO!!) and I pulled them out and gave them a sniff test.  She was shocked!! And then ran them to her dad and shoved them in his face!  HE WAS SHOCKED!!  They smelled like shin pad, NOT STINK!! THEY SMELLED CLEAN!!

I am no expert, at all, but I am convinced that the magic in this little bottle WORKS!!  The company is Norwex, the spray is called Sportzyme, and my friend is Raechel Haas!  Yes, I am shamelessly plugging this product, because it works!  My gear smells better than brand new!  It smells clean!  Go to her website here:

Message her about Sportzyme and all of the other amazing products that Norwex has to offer!  They are all natural, chemical free cleaners.  I have seen some of the products in action, and I have nothing but praise for them!

So, that is all for my Friday randomness!  Let me know what you think!  I will be updated the blog site itself and adding a few things, but if you like what you see, have a story to share, or a word of encouragement, comment away!!  I love to read about other people’s goals and achievements!  Also, comment below if there is anything you would like me to review - Good or Bad.  I am willing to try and share information.


  1. Congratulations!! You are doing so well sister!! I'll definitely have to pick some of that spray up. I wonder if it'll work on my brother's goal pads?

  2. Thanks Shanna for the "shameless product plug"! LOL, for the record I did not pay her to say anything! I love your blog posts so far! They are genuine which makes them powerful. I think all of us can relate somehow. It may not be for the same reasons, but we all have goals that seem impossible to reach and have to remember to maintain focus!

  3. @Ashley, I would be willing to bet that it would work on your brother's hockey equipment... based solely on the fact that while my shin pads are made differently, they are used to protect the same area. I would get a bottle and try it out!

    @Raechel, you are right... I should have included that you DID NOT PAY ME for my plug. Sorry about that, but its true! I was not paid by Raechel or Norwex for my review. I tried the product on my own.
