Monday, July 11, 2016

Time to Start Over

Time to hit that Reset Button on life!  What?  There is no reset button??  Well... That throws a wrench into the whole process.

Ok, not really... Just because I don't have a button to push, I can still make a conscience decision to start again!

Here's the deal... we went on vacation.  And while vacation was relaxing, I spent nearly 2 weeks not focusing on ME and what I need to do to reach my goals.  Won't lie, it was nice not having to be "on it" 24-7, but it has started to show.

We did much better this vacation versus last vacation.  I got my steps in nearly every day!  While 2 days were spent driving, we did our best NOT to eat fried fast foods the whole time.  But, I broke down and drank Dr. Pepper WAY more than I have in the last few months.  Dr. Pepper is SO GOOD!! But it is so bad for me...

I haven't been drinking the amount of water I need to be, and I fully admit that.  I haven't eaten as many fruits and vegetables as I should be.  But today is day 1 of Reset!

Today, I choose to get back on track!  Today I choose to dust myself off and get going again.  My results show me that my hard work CAN pay off!

Do you need to hit the RESET?  Your body will thank you for it!!

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