Thursday, July 7, 2016

Welcome Back!

It sure has been a minute or two, hasn't it?!

We went on vacation.  And it was amazing!  We went to Branson and just spent time together.  See, since we work opposite shifts, spending time together is kind of rough.  Especially when you through up to 4 days of training a week... but that's ok!

I was going to wait until I had my belt in hand, so I could get a picture with my Sensei's and put it on the blog... but the Thursday before vacation, Sensei George surprised me with administering my belt test!  I wasn't 100%, and I even needed instruction on a few chokes and submissions, but I passed!

When I got to class, I was called over to work with a few other people.  That wasn't surprising, as they usually split us up by experience level.  I was asked to show a couple of throws, to show a couple chokes, and a few submissions.  I was also asked for some terminology and basic Judo knowledge - Most of which I knew without hesitation.

After asking the others to perform as well, we were told to go work with the other adult group while Sensei watched the kids for a bit.

Before the end of class, we were called to line up.  We do this every class, so it wasn't out of the ordinary...  but then Sensei called my name.  I was instructed to stand in front of the entire class, and he started telling me things that were good, and a few things that needed improvement.  And then he told me I had earned my yellow belt!  Of course, I immediately started crying.

Here's the thing... I have done a few things in my life, but I have never had to work this hard for something.  I have altered my eating plan for a healthier lifestyle, I work hard when at the gym, and I think about ways of improving all the time!  I was so proud of myself!  I put in the time and effort, no one did it for me.  No one performed the throws for me, or the chokes, or the submissions; I DID IT!!

And now, I know that the level of expectation is going to go up for me.  I am fine with that.  But it means that my hard work is paying off in more ways than just my weight/size.

My name is Shanna Loness, and I am officially a Yellow Belt Judoka!!

"If there is effort, there is always accomplishment." - Dr. Jigoro Kano

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