Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Hunka Hunka Burnin Love... or Fat?!

In listening to Podcasts for information for this blog to help me AND you, I heard some great info on burning fat. (Jillian Michaels to anyone who might want to know)

The question was "What is the best way exercise for fat loss?"

Is cardio better for you than weight training and working in your target heart rate?  The experts from the 80's (apparently, we should always blame the 80's) found that if you worked out at lower intensity, you would burn more fat.

What is being found NOW is that if you work out using weight training, resistance training, and high intensive training, you burn more stored fat AND keep your muscle mass.

The study they were discussing went something like this:  3 groups of people were given the exact same healthy eating plan, but different exercises.

Group 1 - No exercise (I would LOVE to be in that group... but that's how I got fat in the first place)

Group 2 - Cardio only

Group 3 - Cardio AND weight training

All 3 groups lost approximately 21 pounds each.  That seemed to take Jillian by surprise... Groups 1 & 2 lost fat AND muscle mass!  Group 3 maintained their muscle mass, but lost fat.

So, what this study showed is that if you work using weight training, resistance training, and cardio you WILL burn fat!  You will also maintain muscle mass.  More muscle mass apparently also means speeding up your metabolism.

Weight training is also good for maintaining bone density!  Bone health is just as important folks!

The suggested optimal work out went something like this:  Lat pulls (weight), squats (resistance), 30 seconds of jumping jacks (cardio) repeat!

Keeping in mind that I am NOT an expert, a Doctor, or even claim to know what I am doing; but I do trust Jillian... she is the one with tv shows and podcasts, right?!

You can check out the podcast here!

Or if you want to search the podcast yourself:   Jillian Michaels show podcast Do it yourself medical scans & fat loss - June 03/2011

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