Monday, August 1, 2016

Starting Over - Day 1

So... the month of July was basically a bust in the Loness house.  We went on vacation, and just never did get back on the right track.

Completely our fault, and I don't blame anyone but myself.

So, today... being a Monday AND the first of August (where has 2016 gone?!?!) we are starting over.  Fresh from the beginning!  Kicking out all of the bad stuff when it comes to food, taking in the correct amount of water, and working our butts off at the gym on most nights.

I am also challenging you, dear reader, to the actual Plank Challenge that was originally attempted a month ago.  Why?  Well, because my neck is back to normal, and I know it will help.

I am committing to eating better, getting the water, doing the work, and even checking in on here each day to stay accountable.

I also have a few thoughts and goals I would like to use this blog for.  Not only do I want to stay accountable, but I also want this to help YOU achieve your goals.  I want to start including actual health info - from every aspect:  Mental, Physical, Emotional, etc.

I am also thinking of making videos and even creating a facebook page complete with challenges AND maybe even some events and meet ups!

So... here is to starting over and doing things right.  We didn't gain back ALL of our weight, but we still gained... and the goal is to LOSE!

Any questions?
Good! Let's do this!

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