I found this picture to be funny, but it's so incredibly true! I am becoming more and more self aware, and realize that I am a big girl. I have always known that, but it's taken some time to realize just how big I have gotten.
In watching the Olypmic Judo matches, I realized that I am not using my weight to its full potential. What do I mean? Well, more than likely (for now) anyone I play against will be smaller than me. That should mean a harder time to pull me off balance, while I am busy plowing through them. But, here is my problem... I am not aggressive enough. At least not while in class.
Some fighters only get aggressive once they have been hit first... That isn't a good plan for Judo. Why? Because all it can take is the first throw to win by Ippon... I can't seem to get aggressive enough during practice. And this is where my size works against me... I am afraid that if I do throw someone, I am going to hurt them when I come down on them.
In competition, my falling on them could be the difference between winning and losing. But I don't want to hurt my teammates... It's taken me this long to stop apologizing for throwing them, I have started saying "I hope that hurt" because I shouldn't be sorry for anything! I am either learning, OR they did the wrong thing which resulted in their being thrown.
Anyone who knows me knows that I do have a temper sometimes... Granted I have worked very hard to harness my temper, and I do my best to NOT lose it at all costs. But, that is now hurting my game. I should be able to go out there and walk right through someone! All I have to do is lean forward, push them off balance, and not let go of them! And if they get hurt, my mindset should be "well, they came on the mat with me... no one forced them"
I am the only thing holding myself back. Yes, I have to be able to breath through a 5 minute match, which could go into an additional 5 minutes... But if I am aggressive enough, I should be able to run right through someone in the first couple.
I am a big girl, I already know this... Now I just have to learn how to put my gentle giant away and bring out my aggression.
What holds you back? What is stopping you from doing what you are training for?
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