Sunday, June 10, 2018

Breast Feeding and Public...

In case anyone was wondering, I am 100% pro breast feeding - HOWEVER!!! I am also 100% pro Fed is Best!  A momma has gotta do what a momma has gotta do to feed her child.  I am also a woman living with PCOS.  Most PCOS patients have a low milk supply and are unable to breast feed.

Thankfully, I have been blessed with a supply that not only feeds Diana, but also allows me to pump and have a frozen supply for when I go back to work... which is another post in itself.

While I am pro breast feeding, I have yet to feed Diana in public.  I either work it out to where she is fed before we leave the house, OR I find myself sitting with her in the backseat of our car with the air running.  Mainly because I am terrified... I am terrified of someone saying something to me in public.  We have tried to use a cover, but Diana refuses - not that I blame her... I don't think I would enjoy my meal under a blanket either.  And I absolutely REFUSE to feed her in a restroom... GROSS!!! 

Tonight, I was at Target with my parents and Diana decided it was dinner time - I feed her on demand, and she is usually on a really good schedule, but that doesn't matter.  We had just checked out, and I thought we had plenty of time to get home... I was wrong.  I started to take her out of her pumpkin seat to walk out to the car, when my mom remembered we were standing in a newly remodeled Target - Complete with a brand new Mother's Room! 

I grabbed Ole Girl and headed for the fitting rooms!  Sure enough, there was a nursing room!  I didn't take pictures, as I didn't have my phone - big mistake... BUT!!  The door had a lock, so we were in complete privacy.  The room had a comfy chair, with a table close by with ports to charge a phone.  The room was even large enough for a family to use as a family fitting room!  The ONLY thing I can think of that would have made it any better is if it had a changing station.  And the ONLY reason why I think a changing station would have made the room a bit better is because I am not sure if there is a changing station in the men's room.  Dad's have to change kiddo's too... but that's not the point.

Target's stance and support of breast feeding mothers made it possible for me to feed my daughter in a private location, without fear of judgement from other customers.  Even the employees were kind enough to show me to the room, when I wasn't 100% sure of where it was located. 

As a brand new, first time mom who is doing my best to continue breast feeding, I appreciate the fact that I can feed my daughter while shopping.  Honestly, I don't have that option at any other store... even if they have a Pro Breast Feeding stance, I would still have to sit out somewhere and worry about other customers and their comments.

For all you mommies who choose to breast feed, uncovered, and in public - I salute and support you!  If I see you out, I would gladly sit and chat with you for a moment and show my support!  I just don't have the confidence in myself to do it... But I am working on it.

Thank you Target!!  This breast feeding mom thanks you!!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Diaper Review - Pampers Pure

7 weeks ago, our little miracle came into the world!  We have been changing diapers ever since - duh!  During my shower, Brandon had a diaper party.  We were blessed with a closet full of diapers for little miss!  We got the standard diapers, even a pack from Aldi (which we haven't tried yet... will review later!!)

Huggies didn't work for us, the 3 times she wore them they blew out!!  Luvs broke out her little butt, poor baby.  Pampers have worked the best for us!  We normally use Pampers Swaddlers, but I wanted to try Pampers Pure.  According to Pampers, these diapers have none of the following:

Chlorine Bleaching

I went to Target and bought 2 trial packs (3 diapers) in size 1.  They were only a couple dollars.

What I liked about them:

* the diapers have super cute designs on them - yes, I know... in the words of a friend of mine, diapers are only crapper keepers, but they are super cute!
* the diapers fit on Diana, and didn't leak!  Even with a major poop!
* the diapers did not break out her skin.
* the diapers have a wetness indicator that turns blue if the diaper is wet - very cool feature that makes midnight diaper changes that much easier
* when the diaper gets wet, it turns into a type of gel and pulls the wetness away from her skin.  I REALLY liked that feature!

What I didn't like:

* the diaper made me a little nervous because it didn't feel sturdy...
* I am not convinced the price is worth it - most places, they are a little more expensive. However, the trial packs included coupons for the Pure diapers and wipes (and included a code for the rewards program - which I HIGHLY recommend!)

2 minor things that aren't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.

To be honest, I really liked the Pampers Pure.  When we have buy more diapers, I plan to be using the coupons to buy the Pampers Pure for her.

Have you tried them?  If so, what did you think?

*I was NOT paid for this review*

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Where you been?!?!

Well, THIS is where I have been!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to introduce:


We were scheduled for induction on 04/13, and received the call to come to the hospital at 5am.  We were already awake, cause Brandon had to work the night before and I was too excited to sleep.  I can't sleep on Christmas morning either... so, this was MUCH worse!

When we got to the hospital, we checked in at the Labor and Delivery Welcome Center, then we were taken up to our birthing suite!  This "room" was awesome!  It was huge!! We got settled in, and soon after our parents showed up. 

I was hooked up to the IV and monitoring by 9:30, and pitocin was started around 12:30.  By 3:30, my doctor wasn't pleased with my progress, so she broke my water... I thought my Braxton-Hicks contractions were tough... oh my!!  I lasted about 45 minutes before begging for the epidural - listen... there are no medals handed out for labor and delivery. 

Then things REALLY started progressing!!  Whatever is in an epidural, I apparently really enjoyed it!  High Shanna is FUN Shanna.  I was apparently making jokes and being silly!  I started to get nauseous at some point, and the nurse gave me something that actually put me to sleep... I slept until the nurse woke me up to push!  Yes - I slept through intense contractions that were coming every 30 seconds...

At 12:30am on 04-14-2018, I started pushing... at 1:07, Diana Mar-Jen came SCREAMING into the world!!  The nurse was helping me push, until she put my leg down and said stop.  She called my doctor, I will never forget it!  She called and said "Dr. Parker, we need you in here... NOW!" According to Brandon, Diana's head was almost out.  When the doctor came in, the nurse and the resident started putting my legs in the stirrups.  My right leg went up just fine, but when my left leg was raised, Diana popped right out!!  Brandon's sister caught it all on video for us - you can even see the doctor lunge at the bed to catch her.  It all happened so quickly!! 

Diana Mar-Jen Loness was born on 04/14/2018 at 1:07am.  Weighing in at 8pounds, 3ounces and 21 inches long!  She has been a force to be reckoned with ever since!

We spent the weekend in the hospital, and came home on Monday.  It has been a wild ride ever since.

Motherhood has been incredible, even though we are only 7 weeks in!  I love my daughter so much, and realize that I was created just for her, and she for me.  It has also opened my eyes to the kind of love and support I can give to women suffering with infertility due to PCOS or any other issue.  It has opened my eyes to the kind of platform I have on this blog!  I love being a mom and don't ever want to do anything else.  So, I guess this blog is going to change a little bit... From a weight loss journey (did I mention that I have lost 30 pounds since Diana was born?!?) to "First time mom hilarity" (because you KNOW that some of our stories are going to be great!!!) to maybe baby product reviews (diapers, gear, whatever!!)  So, looking for feedback... what would you like to see? Comment below, let me know!

I am SO in love!!