Tuesday, August 14, 2018

What Would It Look Like?

Very recently, I was asked to be a part of a worship collective - mainly, a group of like minded individuals who will get together once a month and just go after God in worship.  At the end of this month will be our first worship night, and I just have a gut feeling it is going to be crazy awesome!!

In our first prep meeting, the question was posed "What does worship look like, per the scriptures?" Keeping in mind, I am by far NO theologian or biblical scholar of any kind... I've only read through the Bible from cover to cover a couple of times, and only have certain scripture committed to memory, so obviously I am NOT the authority on this - this is only my opinion...  I am finding that worship is hard to define...  but I am concluding that worship is for God's glory, honor, and praise!  Worship reminds who my Redeemer is, and reminds me that He is alive!

Sunday morning, I was invited to play with a worship team, which I have done many times before... but I was specifically asked to play the electric guitar, and learn the lead parts of the songs.  I am NOT a lead guitar player - even with playing for 25 years as of next Monday - but I said YES, and had 2 days to prepare.

I don't even have my guitars at home right now... new baby = NO SPACE in our 700 square feet house (but we make it work) I sat down with my chord sheets, my laptop, my guitar and prayed... Lord, help me out man!

Sunday morning, I was as prepared as I could be... and my prayer was "you gave me the talent, so use it as you see fit.  It's Yours, no longer mine"

I nailed it!  Just to be clear - this is NOT about MY ability, but my willingness to turn over my talents to God and see what happens.  Say YES to God and watch what unfolds!!  I went in with a heart of "I'm giving you back the talent You gave to me" and the result was an amazing worship experience for me if for no one else.

Musicians get a bad rep... we are very egotistical, we want to be perfect, and ALL OF US WANT TO BE THE LEADER... but that's not what it should be about.  Especially for a worship band... it should be about giving the talents God has blessed us with back to Him - giving Him 110% of all we have! 

We played a song titled "Spirit Move" and the one lyric that almost knocked me to my knees:  You said that if we ask, we'll receive.

I received Sunday morning!  I received His Presence to the point of tears! 

So, if you had to the opportunity to play/sing at the feet of Jesus, how would you do it?  With a musician's heart (which is how I have worshiped in the past - not pointing fingers, just being honest) or with absolute abandon?  Would you panic and worry about the chords and "who is leading this" or would you close your eyes, through your head back and give it all you got?  How different would our worship sessions look if we just gave it all to Jesus? 

Nothing else matters more than just to sit here at Your feet and worship You!

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