Thursday, August 30, 2018

Dinner and Devotions

Our church hosted a "Dinner and Devotion" service last night.  Basically, instead of a traditional service on a specific Wednesday of each month, we get together as a church for dinner and then have a discussion on a specific scripture.

I LOVE IT!  It gives us a chance, as a larger church, to get to know other people within the congregation.  It gives kids a chance to have dinner with their parents.  It also gives people a chance to decompress and catch up with each other. 

After a certain point, the little ones are dismissed for their own service and the adults hang out around the tables.  Our Pastor leads us in discussion over scripture.  The discussion last night was about the Good Samaritan.

Luke 10:25-37 - I won't write the whole section here, but to summarize, a man had been beaten and was ignored by 2 Holy Men.  The beaten man was helped by a Samaritan (which was looked at as an enemy at that time) and promised payment to an Inn Keeper to continue to care for the man.

The discussion started out by everyone thinking about the 1 person who reached out to them and led them to church.  I have 2, but the most important one is someone I regard as a second mother - for privacy sake, I will not name her here.  She has been like a second mother to me since 7th grade.  Her door was always open, fridge was always full, and she loved unconditionally!  Let me just say that I truly hope to be to Diana's friends how this Momma was to me.  You never know the kind of impact you can have on children.

The discussion then turned to everything thinking about how THEY could be that 1 person to someone else outside of the church.  The one I heard mentioned most was "Be an Example" How you live your life is extremely important.  People see you, even when you think they can't or don't.

Finally, the discussion turned to the scripture - Which of the characters in the Good Samaritan parable do you relate to?  The beaten man?  The Holy Men who overlooked the man in need?  The Inn Keeper who had to trust the Samaritan with future payment?  Most people said that at one time or another, they could relate to each of them!

Unfortunately, Diana got fussy, so I missed the last bit of the discussion, but I took a great lesson away from what I did hear.

It doesn't take much to be kind to someone - even to a stranger.  It doesn't take much to give something of yourself to someone - yes, even to a stranger.  And it certainly does NOT take much to be a good example to someone - you guessed it, even to a stranger!

I admit, I am far from perfect.  Not even close.  But I do know that with plenty of room for improvement, I can be kind.  I can give of myself.  And I can certainly set a good example!

Who do you identify with?  How can you improve?

Wednesday, August 29, 2018



I actually updated the blog name because I am not just focusing on Losing the Fat Kid anymore... but focusing on all things related to my life. 

Before our babe was born, I wanted to find a hash tag for her.  For all pictures and posts and such... A very good friend of mine came up with #BonusLoness !! It was perfect!  And now, we pretty much use it for everything.

So, here we are!  The BonusLonessLife blog!!

What do you think????

Monday, August 27, 2018

Dear Snuza...

When I was pregnant, I did a LOT of research... Anything that could possibly come up during pregnancy, delivery, after care, and raising of Diana I did as much reading as I could.  One of the things I was most nervous about was her sleeping and SIDS

If you searching "Baby Sleeping Monitor", Google will hook you up with PLENTY of options!  The ones I had actually heard about from other friends were the Owlet - which is like a little sock thing, The Angelcare Monitor - which would go under the mattress, and the Snuza - which clips to her diaper to monitor movement.

I read about all 3 of these options and watched youtube reviews as well.  Ultimately, we decided to go with the Snuza.  As the video above indicates, it clips on to her diaper and rests against her belly. 

Fast forward to bringing ole girl home... We started using it the very night we brought her home!  We came home on a Monday... and the monitor woke us up on Wednesday morning!!! Not because she wasn't breathing, but because I failed to latch her diaper correctly in the middle of the night... I felt extremely thankful that the monitor had sounded, but nothing was wrong.  I went back to bed thankful, but crying thinking about the parents who don't get the alarm or the alarm is too late.  Heart breaking.

Fast forward some more!!  We have had the occasional false alarm due to either the diaper being too lose or the monitor being moved when Diana moves around in her sleep - until this weekend... The alarm sounded, and I went running (her room is about 10 feet down the hall from ours - I don't have to run too far) When I got to her crib, she wasn't moving.  In the past, when it was a false alarm, I would get to her and she would be awake looking at me or starting to cry from the noise.  Not this time.  She wasn't reacting to the noise. At all! 

I picked her up and turned her over, which THEN she finally opened her eyes and smiled real big at me. Thank God!! 

She was, thankfully, perfectly fine.  She even nursed back to sleep, while I sat there in tears.  I can't tell you with confidence that this was a false alarm - but I CAN tell you that had we not had a Snuza, the outcome could have been drastically different. I truly believe that Snuza very well saved my daughters life this weekend.

We have the Snuza Hero and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone with a little at home, who wants to sleep peacefully knowing that this product WILL alert you!

***I was NOT paid by Snuza, and will NOT be receiving any type of compensation for my opinion or your purchase of any Snuza product.  My review reflects my own opinion and is not supported by Snuza in any way***

Friday, August 24, 2018


Here is a post that I hoped I would never have to write... because I thought I had things under control.  Turns out... I don't.

First - DO NOT PANIC!!  I am fine, we are fine, everyone is fine... But my anxiety is out of control.  My doctor agrees.

Here I am, admitting that I do not have it all together.  Here I am, admitting that my anxiety is overwhelming and spiraling out of control.  Here I am, admitting I am now a statistic.

Over 3 million new moms seek professional help for postpartum depression or anxiety each year - that number ONLY represents the moms who seek help, not the moms who try to handle it on their own... How many moms truly experience this and go without help?

"How bad is it" you ask?  Well, I don't sleep at night because I fully expect Diana's breathing monitor to go off, alerting me that something has gone horribly wrong (we use a Snuza, which clips on her diaper and will sound if she doesn't breath every so often) It was bad when she was born, but is now even worse that she can turn herself over from her back to her tummy.  I have heard "sleep when the baby sleeps" since before she was born... she has slept through the night since about 4 weeks - I should be sleeping too... but I can't. 

"How bad is it" you ask?  Well... I constantly think I am being a burden on everyone in my life.  I even went so far as to think that my mom was actually annoyed with having to keep Diana while I was at work - trust me, this is FAR from the truth!  My mom's greatest joy is watching her during the work week, even misses her when she isn't there...

I could go on and on... but I have held it all inside for as long as I can.  The doctor has been called, appointments have been set, medication has been called in, and reinforcements have been notified.

Let me be perfectly clear - I do not, have not, and do not foresee ANY thoughts of hurting myself, or anyone else.  I admit that I am a worrier, but I shouldn't be worrying this much...

Are you experiencing anything like this?  I encourage you to contact your doctor ASAP!  If you are thinking of hurting yourself, or your babe, or anyone else around you - GO TO THE ER!! We moms do not have to suffer, and we certainly do not have to suffer in silence.  There is so much pressure on us to be "perfect" in all ways - we aren't.  We are delicate creatures that just pushed a human being out of our body!!  We are in this together, we should lift each other up!!

I am here for you!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

My Year in the Life

This past Monday, we celebrated my 35th birthday... 35 years earth side.  It is still kind of hard for me to wrap my head around!  I feel like so much has happened in my life, and yet nothing at all.

On my 34th birthday, I woke up and took a pregnancy test.  It IMMEDIATELY turned positive.  When I say immediately, I mean just that.  I was shocked at how fast it turned!  I didn't have to wait for 2 minutes... I was SHOCKED!!  After throwing the box all around to find the actual directions, I came out of the bathroom to wake Brandon up.  He heard my thrashing around and thought I fighting with a spider... He was also half asleep and had completely forgotten I was going to take a test.

See, we had tried for so long and gotten so many negative tests that he wasn't even sure I should take the test in the first place.  He was afraid that I would take the test on the morning of my birthday, and then be crushed the rest of the day.  To say that we were both surprised is a complete understatement.

Here we are, 1 year later - a 3 piece band! 

This past year of my life has been a crazy fun roller coaster ride!! I have learned what my body is able to handle, what my mind is able to handle, and what my marriage is able to handle!  Pregnancy was not easy for me... in fact, I would rather not do it again... I didn't enjoy it as much as some.  I hated being at the doctor all the time, I hated having to give myself insulin shots, I just flat out did not enjoy it.

Labor and delivery is what I was most afraid of, but I have to be honest - with the epidural, I could do that again!  For sure!  I mean, I slept through most of it... and even the delivery, I don't think I was fully awake for it... but she made it a piece of cake!

What I didn't realize was how much my hormones were going to make me crazy... I never realized how in love with a tiny human I could be.  I also never realized how different I would feel.  I only feel sad when I start thinking about how I have to go to work and leave her all day long.  Let me be very honest here, I don't feel like myself anymore... my entire focus is on my daughter and making sure she is completely taken care of.  I think if I were married to anyone else, there would be a problem.  Thankfully, I married my absolute best friend - He understands me, he also doesn't take it personally and is walking through this WITH me!

What I have learned the most over this last year is that you HAVE to have a firm foundation to build your life and family on.  Otherwise, you might fall.  We are still working on finding date nights, which I make it through with anxiety, but I still make it!  We are still working on finding balance between our family and the outside world - thankfully, ole girl loves her sleep and seems to really just go with the flow.

Last year determined how strong I really am.  This year, my goal is to continue that strength and pass it on to others!  Here is to another year!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

What Would It Look Like?

Very recently, I was asked to be a part of a worship collective - mainly, a group of like minded individuals who will get together once a month and just go after God in worship.  At the end of this month will be our first worship night, and I just have a gut feeling it is going to be crazy awesome!!

In our first prep meeting, the question was posed "What does worship look like, per the scriptures?" Keeping in mind, I am by far NO theologian or biblical scholar of any kind... I've only read through the Bible from cover to cover a couple of times, and only have certain scripture committed to memory, so obviously I am NOT the authority on this - this is only my opinion...  I am finding that worship is hard to define...  but I am concluding that worship is for God's glory, honor, and praise!  Worship reminds who my Redeemer is, and reminds me that He is alive!

Sunday morning, I was invited to play with a worship team, which I have done many times before... but I was specifically asked to play the electric guitar, and learn the lead parts of the songs.  I am NOT a lead guitar player - even with playing for 25 years as of next Monday - but I said YES, and had 2 days to prepare.

I don't even have my guitars at home right now... new baby = NO SPACE in our 700 square feet house (but we make it work) I sat down with my chord sheets, my laptop, my guitar and prayed... Lord, help me out man!

Sunday morning, I was as prepared as I could be... and my prayer was "you gave me the talent, so use it as you see fit.  It's Yours, no longer mine"

I nailed it!  Just to be clear - this is NOT about MY ability, but my willingness to turn over my talents to God and see what happens.  Say YES to God and watch what unfolds!!  I went in with a heart of "I'm giving you back the talent You gave to me" and the result was an amazing worship experience for me if for no one else.

Musicians get a bad rep... we are very egotistical, we want to be perfect, and ALL OF US WANT TO BE THE LEADER... but that's not what it should be about.  Especially for a worship band... it should be about giving the talents God has blessed us with back to Him - giving Him 110% of all we have! 

We played a song titled "Spirit Move" and the one lyric that almost knocked me to my knees:  You said that if we ask, we'll receive.

I received Sunday morning!  I received His Presence to the point of tears! 

So, if you had to the opportunity to play/sing at the feet of Jesus, how would you do it?  With a musician's heart (which is how I have worshiped in the past - not pointing fingers, just being honest) or with absolute abandon?  Would you panic and worry about the chords and "who is leading this" or would you close your eyes, through your head back and give it all you got?  How different would our worship sessions look if we just gave it all to Jesus? 

Nothing else matters more than just to sit here at Your feet and worship You!