Monday, September 26, 2016

Crazy Ideas, Plans, and Goals

This is going to be great!  A friend of mine posted on Facebook that she was starting to train for a 3 day Bike Marathon... so of course, in my "I am crazy enough to try anything" fashion, I messaged her for some info.

Monday, September 19, 2016

It's Just Emotion That's Taking Me Over...

One of the dark things about PCOS is that it causes depression to wreak havoc on your life.  Granted, mine is not nearly as bad as it used to be (insert old memory of drinking and self harm, but don't feel like going into it at the moment here) Now, I just want to curl up on my bed, with my dog within reach, and cry.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Ch ch ch changes... Great Ideas for the Future!

I have been thinking... strange, I know!!  I have been watching Whitney Thore's show, My Big Fat Fabulous Life, and it has the wheels in my brain turning.  (Kind of like the Wheel in the Sky...)

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

I am a Fighter! I Have More Rounds Left! I Have More Laughs to Share!

Ok, maybe I am a little lacking in training.  But you know what?  I am a fighter!

While I spent the evening watching football last night, and wallowing in my craptastic mood, a friend of mine messaged me.

Monday, September 12, 2016

You Know What?! Or... Be Excellent to Each Other

I don't know how else to describe the last couple of days.  The hormonal imbalance of PCOS, the intermittent depression, the lack of weight loss...

I hate to be negative, but I am just not handling it very well.  I went to bed Friday upset, ready to cry myself to sleep, laying next to my husband who couldn't quite understand what had happened.  He came home from work, I was fine!  Less than an hour later, I just wanted to cry and hated everything.  I couldn't even explain it.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Wanna Know What's Weird?

I can't explain it... but somehow I have bruised the bottom of my left foot.  It's really weird.  And it hurts!  It hurts when I put weight on it, if I stand up and walk after sitting at my desk, and especially when I wake up in the morning.

What's really strange??!! I have no idea what I have done!  All I can figure is that I wore my toms, and my foot is now in protest.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Oh... Hello September!

Want to know the best thing about September?? No... not pumpkin spice everything EVERYWHERE... The best thing about September is the crisp cool air that slaps you in the face when you walk out the door in the morning!