Thursday, September 8, 2016

Wanna Know What's Weird?

I can't explain it... but somehow I have bruised the bottom of my left foot.  It's really weird.  And it hurts!  It hurts when I put weight on it, if I stand up and walk after sitting at my desk, and especially when I wake up in the morning.

What's really strange??!! I have no idea what I have done!  All I can figure is that I wore my toms, and my foot is now in protest.

Being a big girl, my feet hurt badly for days after wearing certain shoes.  Sometimes converse will cause pain, sometimes they don't.  Sometimes toms do it, and sometimes not.  So, I have been wearing my adidas with memory foam to help for a while.

Last night, I kept waking myself up... I was dreaming I was sparring with a teammate, but my brain was slowing down the action so I could see what I was doing wrong and correcting the motion.  It was very weird, and very matrixy... The craziest part??  Tuesday, I spared with this person and kind of freaked out... My brain went into panic mode - rather than relaxing and being patient.  She is left handed, so our grips mirror each other - I panicked.  I stopped breathing - I panicked.  I just didn't handle the pressure well at all.  That's not good considering I want to compete.

So, my brain slowed down the motions and let me take some notes.  It's weird how the brain works.  I know it was all a dream, but I kept waking up working on my technique.

Today, football starts!  I am so excited, I almost don't recognize me... Another weird thing.

And one final weird thing:  I started out the week weighing in at 274 (For those of you following along, yes... that is a huge gain and almost back to where I started) but this morning, I weighed in at 268... Yes, that is a loss of 6 pounds.  Yes, I find that weird... but its a loss and I am happy.

Have a weird day, cause I am having a weird week :)

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