Monday, September 26, 2016

Crazy Ideas, Plans, and Goals

This is going to be great!  A friend of mine posted on Facebook that she was starting to train for a 3 day Bike Marathon... so of course, in my "I am crazy enough to try anything" fashion, I messaged her for some info.

She is training for the Journey for Jordan 183 mile bike ride to benefit Haven House, which is a hospital house that provides a place to stay and support for patients and families who travel to St. Louis for medical care.  They also have a Facebook page - HavenHouse St. Louis

Before Jordan died in December of 2011, his family made the trip from Gays, IL to St. Louis; staying at Haven House to avoid spending days on end in a hotel.  After Jordan died, the family wanted to do something to honor Jordan and to give hope to others - Journey for Jordan was born!

The 168 mile bike ride is spread out over 3 days in June.  Signup for the ride begins in March, according to the Organizer.  I sent them a message on Facebook expressing my interest.

So today begins the search on HOW to even begin training for something like this!  Obviously step one is getting a bike.  The bike, I already have!  It is going to the doctor this weekend to get ride ready.  I have also been suggested to get bike shorts (with an awesome idea of wearing shorts OVER bike shorts... since we all know how great they look... NOT on this big butt!!)

A quick google search brought me to this crazy 6 week schedule:

Once I have the bike back, I guess the hard part is going to be actually training and getting rides in. Obviously, I have more than 6 weeks to prepare, and I know I am going to need every spare second possible to train.  This could get quite interesting.

HOWEVER!! Considering the amount of people who are touched by cancer every year, spending 3 days on a bike to bring awareness and raise funds for future families is a small price to pay.

Cancer is no respecter of persons.  It doesn't care how much money you make, your skin color, or even your age!!  It sucks!  And it's horrible - not only for the patient but for the families too.  They have to sit by and just be as supportive as they can.  The least they should have to worry about is housing during treatment, and even a meal!  (Haven House also provides meals from what I understand)

If anyone is interested, Journey for Jordan does have a Facebook page!   Journey for Jordan  They recently posted that they are selling shirts and hoodies!  They look amazing!  This last ride, held June 25-27 of 2016, was the 5th year.  They announced on 06/29 that they had raised $51,590.61 with donations STILL coming in!  Here is their group picture posted from their Facebook page

So, now I have a goal... Anyone else feel like getting crazy with me and my friend?  If enough of you are interested, maybe we can talk to the organizer's about a "Losing the Fat Kid" team or something?

What are your goals?  What are your plans??  Any craziness coming in your life that you want to share?!

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