Heyo! How are you, dear reader? I hope you are eating success for breakfast (with skim milk!)!!
In one of my videos, I talked about not being a number on the scale - because that is true... we are ALL so much more than what the scale says. The hardest part of weight loss, for me, is when that scale refuses to budge... for any number of reasons. This Wednesday, I was back up to 270, but Mother Nature played a stupid role in that part (Sisters of the world, raise your hand in unity!!) So, I know that I will kill it next week!
I talk to my Sensei nearly every single day - about my journey, about what I am eating, what I am NOT eating... He is wonderful to let me blow up his phone nearly every day with good or bad reports, even silly questions!
One thing he CONSTANTLY reminds me is that it's not just about the number on the scale. Case and point... I spent nearly 3 minutes fighting a Judo match. That may not sound like much to some people, but it's like constant burst of energy. My heart was pounding, my lungs were screaming, my mind was racing, and I was trying NOT to get thrown (which I didn't!) This is a Non-Scale Victory!!
Here are some examples of Non-Scale Victories from myself:
I lasted my match
I bear crawled across my gym - TWICE!!
The last one sound silly, but I can barely walk a straight line on a treadmill... so going faster than walking, to me, is pretty good!
Non-Scale Victories can also include lifting a heavier weight (if weight lifting is your thing) Climbed stairs without stopping. Grabbed a water at the gas station instead of soda, without even thinking about it.
There are many things along the way that show your improvement, that will not show up on your scale. Are you losing inches? Is it becoming easier to choose healthy over junk? Are you FEELING better?
The scale is important, but it is not the end all be all of your journey.
So you didn't lose any numbers this week, but where else have you improved??
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