Thursday, April 7, 2016

Batman v Superman: A Nerd's Reflection

Adulting is hard... And we didn't do much of it today...

We slept in, and by in I mean until noon.  And when we finally got up and moving, it was after 2.  So, what did we do?  We went to eat at a new place in town, Steel City BBQ and it was SO GOOD!!!

And then we went to see Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.  Can I just tell you how epic this movie really is?!

First off, I have heard some people say that the movie was lame and didn't make any sense.  However, to the ultra nerd, the movie was completely perfect and made sense!  It followed some of the comics so closely, that images and even scripted lines were word for word!  For example, when Alfred gives Bruce Wayne a hard time about the wine cellar, that came straight from The Dark Knight Returns.

And some people are not too sure of the name of the film.  Why "Batman v Superman" and not Batman vs. Superman?  That's very simple.  The V in the title is an abbreviation of the latin word versus, meaning against.  The title of the film is styled the way court cases are titled.  The first person, Batman, is the claimant, and he is taking action against the defendant, Superman.  When you see the film, that will all make sense.

When did Gotham move across the bay from Metropolis?  Well, in the same respect, when did Captain America live in the same world as IronMan?  They are both in the same universe, and neither story line for either character ever specifically said where the locations were.  So the cities could have always existed next to each other.

I could go on and on... but I will spare you.

I will say this, if this is the first of MANY DC Universe movies, then consider us crazy excited.  I mean... the picture at the top of the post is our toasting glasses from our wedding reception.  He loves Batman, and I love Superman.  We are nerds, and we are proud of it.

I know this isn't a post about training, but that's ok.  Right??

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