Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Judo Shenanigans!

Don't have much to talk about today...  went to Judo last night, and I learned a new throw!

I won't lie, the art of Judo is extremely interesting. Created in 1882, Judo was created in Japan as a form of grappling.  The objective:  Throw or take down an opponent to subdue with a pin, or force a submission with a choke.  The practitioner is known as a Judoka, and the uniform is a Judogi, or Gi.

I promise, there is plenty more to it than how I just described it.  But it is very cool, when done properly.  I think I look like a crazy person... but my Sensei said I was doing great!

Ronda Rousey is a Judoka that most people know.  Her mother was also a trained Judoka!  I will let the video speak for her...

I don't know how to do any of those yet, but I am also just starting out.  I have to be honest with you, while I may look silly and I may have a hard time keeping up with some of the other students, I know that with time I will get better!  I already feel some core strength (read, aches and pains) in places that I didn't know I was using.  

My Sensei and classmates are incredible people!  They are patient with me (I ask a lot of questions) critique without being harsh (I do things wrong most of the time) and they do not let me quit!  They are all incredibly encouraging!

If you are worried that you will look silly - I STILL can't hardly do a somersault - you will!  But you will improve and look great eventually!  The hardest step is the first step onto the mat, the rest is a piece of cake! You even get to learn some words and phrases in Japanese!

Later this week, Friday perhaps, I will be posting an interview with Rowdy Reagan Johnson, who is in my class and is heading to Texas this year to compete in the Junior Olympics!   

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