Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Fat Shaming... or This Might Sting a Little

I posted this meme last night on Facebook, and a comment I have received has blown my mind! A friend of a friend was fat shamed so horribly at her gym, she may never go back.  When I read that, I became so angry!

Us big girls already KNOW how large we are!  We don't need other people to point it out.  And while I agree that a season of change is happening in the world, where it is now OK to love yourself no matter your shape or size, it is still devastating to be reminded of our fat.

Trust me, I know without a doubt that I will never be as small as I was in high school.  I am reminded every day when I look in the mirror.  Thank you to my husband, for reminding me every day that I am more than my fat!  I am smart, beautiful, talented, have a heart for people, and I am his favorite person in the whole world.

He was just telling me this morning that he missed me while he was at work last night.  He was telling me this morning how thankful he is that I made it through my breakdown, and that God led our paths straight into each other.

I know what it is like to be directly and indirectly fat shamed.  My grandmother was in the business of reminding people of their faults, while completely ignoring her own.  If you didn't finish your dinner at her house, that was fine... She would just grab you by the nose and shove it down your throat.  I could go on and on about the things that she did.  Thankfully, some of my cousins blocked her out, and some of my other cousins never had to experience her at all!  She would remind me and my cousin of how fat we were, how we shouldn't eat to much, and that we would never amount to anything.  She did the same thing to my mom... My mom amounted to something!  She is MY MOM!  I know me, and I know the crap I did growing up... It takes courage to be MY mom!  I am amounting to something too!  I don't know what yet, but in the eyes of my husband, I am everything... So I guess, we showed her, didn't we Mom?

Fat shaming is all over the entertainment industry as well!  A prime example: the beloved show Friends!  While I consider this one of the absolute best shows on TV, they sure did make a point to make Fat Monica out to be a complete laughing stock.  When they would show flashbacks, she would be constantly eating.  She would be made out to be an awkward idiot, who couldn't have dreams or goals in life.  And then suddenly, when she lost her weight, she found her dream job and got married!

I am a fat girl, and I got married...  I don't think I am socially awkward... And I certainly don't think I eat all the time!  Especially now, on my new structured food plan...

Does my weight hinder me?  Sure it does!  I am planning on running (read walking) a 5k and then riding the equivalent of a 5k on the roller coasters at Six Flags St. Louis on May 1.  My weight may or may not allow me to do that!  The last time I was at Six Flags, I barely fit on some of the rides.  And that is my biggest fear, that I won't fit. But I am still going to go!  I am still going to give both 5ks my ALL.

I may be fat, and I may be out of breath when I exercise, or walk, or run, or train in Judo.  My weight is the reason I have only been to 1 jujitsu class... But I am doing my best to live healthy.

In the words of a very dear friend of mine (edited for family friendly purposes though...) I can lose the weight, but you (the fat-shamer) will always be a jerk!  

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