Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Day 14 - Love

He is like a Father to us, tender and sympathetic - Psalm 103:13

Diana is 7 months old today.  I can't even begin to tell you how much our lives have changed in the last 7 months!  She has showed us how much patience we really have, she has filled a void in our hearts that we didn't know we had, and she has shown us how to love tenderly and unconditionally!

Our evening routine is as follows:  I pick her up from my mom on my way home from work, we get in the door where daddy usually has dinner in process, and I take her out of her seat (and now, with the recent cold snap, I also unbundle her...)  She goes into her bouncy seat exersaucer thing and plays while I get myself together for the evening - usually putting my pajamas on.  

After dinner is my favorite part!  This is when Brandon puts her on her blanket with some of her favorite toys, and he gets down and plays with her.  I don't know if he notices that I watch him all the time with her, but seeing him take on his role as "father" really melts my heart!

Brandon HATES to see Diana cry.  He HATES to see her in pain and unable to tell us what is wrong (lately, her new teeth!!)  He will go to great lengths to make sure that both of us - Diana and myself - are taken care of.  Believe me when I say, I got one of the best ones in him!! Something I know very well, and do not take for granted.

If Brandon loves her so much, how much more does our Heavenly Father love us?  If Brandon is heartbroken every time she cries, or has a pain, or is anything but happy... how much more does our Heavenly Father feel these things?  We live and exist in a fractured creation, separate from God... how much does it hurt His heart to see us from a distance?  

I once told a grieving friend that God understands us better than we think.  He understands the broken heart from the perspective of a father, He just wants to love His children and be loved in return - He understands the broken heart from the perspective of the broken hearted, Jesus wept too... - He understands the broken heart from the perspective of the Comforter - the Holy Spirit, who surrounds us!  He understands on a level that we don't quite understand yet.

He is like a father to us, tender and sympathetic - Psalm 103:13

Are you loving tenderly and sympathetically?

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