Monday, November 5, 2018

The 5th of November...

God is in control - Let go!

Truthfully, the meme and today's entry has zero to do with each other... I am just a V for Vendetta fan and today is Guy Fawkes day (the gunpowder, treason, and plot...) 

Today's daily reminder is quite fitting, don't you think?

How many things do you try to control in life?  I could make a laundry list, and it STILL wouldn't include everything.  Before I started my anxiety medication, I would literally lay awake at night and make mental lists of everything - what I had to get done the next day, what I would like to get done for the week, where I messed up, anything to do with Diana, anything to do with Brandon... 

Does anyone watch "This is Us"?? We do! Trying not to give anything away, but if you saw last week's episode... Toby was in a state of "You don't deserve my crazy, and you are going to leave at any moment anyway, so I am going to distance myself NOW so I can survive later" that was me... until I started my meds.  I just KNEW that Brandon was going to get sick of my constant worry, and I just KNEW I would be looked at as an unfit mother for whatever reason.

It's a horrible way to live.  Unfortunately, most new moms live in this perpetual state... and most of the time, it spirals out of control until bad things, irreversible things happen.

Then I look at today's quote and remember that God is in control of my life, even when I am spiraling out.  He knows me future and my past, and He still chooses not to let go of me.  So, when I am rational and remember this, I find myself thinking "why am I hanging on to these lies about myself?" and then I attempt to "let go" - which is not easy...

When things start to spin out, try to listen for that still, small voice reminding you that He in control!  

What do you need to let go of today?

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