Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Day 6 - Direction

In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you. - Proverbs 3:6

This time last year, I was finally coming to terms with my gestational diabetes.  The only way I could get through giving myself nightly shots was to pray before.  Prayer to calm my nerves, to remind me of WHY I was going through this, and to give thanks for the opportunity to even be where I was.

Today, I find myself praying daily for guidance not just in parenthood, but in every aspect of my life.  When I find myself struggling with anxiety, I try (because I don't always in the moment) to remember that He is guiding me even when I am panicked.  When I find myself questioning, I am reminded that He is guiding my every step!  

Our bedtime routine is very simple - book, songs, prayer, bed.

Book - usually 1 or 2 depending on the length and how sleepy she is acting (lately, it hasn't been any thanks to her falling asleep early...)

Songs - Always old southern gospel songs that I grew up singing.  She seems to enjoy the Goodman's, but the one she that always makes her lay still is There's Just Something About that Name.  

Prayer - Always starts with thanking Him for safety and guidance through the day, asking for angels to watch over us while we sleep, asking for protection over daddy as he is at work and driving home, and to guide us through tomorrow - either by keeping us safe or giving us an opportunity to be the Hands and Feet to someone else.

I doubt Diana understands what we are doing, but I know that I am trying to raise her to keep God first in all things.  Pray about each opportunity, blessing, and situation to do the right thing.  My Ninny ALWAYS prayed over me - I am convinced that her prayers are why I am still here today.  

Even if Diana grows up and chooses not to be involved in church, I want to give her a firm foundation to stand on.  I want to give her every opportunity to allow God to be first in her life.  While I fail every day, I always try to keep God first and allow Him to direct and guide.

How do you keep God first?

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