What started out as a weight loss journey has turned into a journey of being a wife and on into motherhood! Raising a super hero isn't always easy, but it sure is fun!
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
2017 is Almost Here!!!
2017 is coming up so fast! And to get things rolling in the right direction, I have already started marking things off of my "Resolution List"
I have created a Facebook Group - Losing the Fat Kid
It is a Closed group, to protect those in the group and give every member a safe place to discuss their goals, fears... really anything!
I am also still working on finding out if the track is open to the public, but I am not getting much response from anyone. So, I think it is safe to say that we should just walk the park.
Wilson park is 1.4 miles around, a bit farther than a mile, but it's a start. And that's all that matters!
I have also closed my old myfitnesspal account, and have started a new one! User name - losingthefatkid2017. If you want to be my friend on their, feel free to add me!
As we are inching closer to 2017, have you made your preparations? Maybe you are thinking about joining a gym?! I have just the place for you!! The Hit Squad My home away from home! If you contact them, let them know I sent ya.
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and is ready to start the New Year!!!
Bring it on 2017!!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Goals... do you have any?
Goals!! Who needs goals here?!
Working on planning and setting goals for 2017 and it is TOUGH! I have so many ideas, but how to get them rolling is proving to be difficult.
If everything falls into place, we might have something incredible here! Complete with videos and interviews and EVERYTHING!
Fitness - I have an idea, and would like to invite everyone else along. A few years ago, I signed up for the Resolution Mile at a local high school. Due to the weather, I ended up not going. But this year, I have my mind made up. I want to run/walk/crawl a mile and record my time. No matter how good or bad it is, I want to record my time. And then next year, I want to see how much my time has changed (if it changes at all!)
I am trying to find out if the track will be open to the public on 01/01/2017. If it isn't, I know that the trail around Wilson Park is 1.4 miles. A little bit farther than a mile, BUT the concept is still the same.
Anyone want to join? There is no swag, or official timer (other than your own watch) Bring yourself, your own water, and your determination to start 2017 as the best year yet!
Food - oh my... I found out the hard way, yesterday, that it is extremely important to plan... Plan... PLAN! Spent the day with my mom at the mall, finishing up Christmas shopping. Our mall is lucky enough to have a subway, but that is really the only "healthy" option when it comes to food. The worst part... you have to walk past a Cinnabon in order to get to everything else. Hello smells!! After settling on a Dr. Pepper (those are going to be hard to give up...) and pretzel bites from Auntie Anne's... I looked around. There really are no healthy alternatives in the mall - unless you get a salad. We all know how hard it is to choose a salad over Sbarro's pizza... ugh! In just 11 short days, I will be having to figure out what to eat, and when before shopping trips. Or trips in general! Eating well is tough...
Drinks - I spent the first few months on 2016 only drinking water... having the occasional tea on Sunday (formerly known as cheat day) My plan is to start that up, and to not stop this time!! Water is so much better for you! My goal is 3 liters, or just under 100 ounces, each day! It's doable, and yes it is safe (already talked to my doc!!)
Happy planning all!
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Oy! What happened here?!
Well... I am not 100% sure what exactly happened towards the end of 2016... but I have come to find out that each day is a new beginning.
I have also found that I have to force myself to do something for 30 days. Anyone can do anything for 30 days, right?
Monday, September 26, 2016
Crazy Ideas, Plans, and Goals
This is going to be great! A friend of mine posted on Facebook that she was starting to train for a 3 day Bike Marathon... so of course, in my "I am crazy enough to try anything" fashion, I messaged her for some info.
Monday, September 19, 2016
It's Just Emotion That's Taking Me Over...
One of the dark things about PCOS is that it causes depression to wreak havoc on your life. Granted, mine is not nearly as bad as it used to be (insert old memory of drinking and self harm, but don't feel like going into it at the moment here) Now, I just want to curl up on my bed, with my dog within reach, and cry.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Ch ch ch changes... Great Ideas for the Future!
I have been thinking... strange, I know!! I have been watching Whitney Thore's show, My Big Fat Fabulous Life, and it has the wheels in my brain turning. (Kind of like the Wheel in the Sky...)
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
I am a Fighter! I Have More Rounds Left! I Have More Laughs to Share!
Ok, maybe I am a little lacking in training. But you know what? I am a fighter!
While I spent the evening watching football last night, and wallowing in my craptastic mood, a friend of mine messaged me.
Monday, September 12, 2016
You Know What?! Or... Be Excellent to Each Other
I don't know how else to describe the last couple of days. The hormonal imbalance of PCOS, the intermittent depression, the lack of weight loss...
I hate to be negative, but I am just not handling it very well. I went to bed Friday upset, ready to cry myself to sleep, laying next to my husband who couldn't quite understand what had happened. He came home from work, I was fine! Less than an hour later, I just wanted to cry and hated everything. I couldn't even explain it.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Wanna Know What's Weird?
I can't explain it... but somehow I have bruised the bottom of my left foot. It's really weird. And it hurts! It hurts when I put weight on it, if I stand up and walk after sitting at my desk, and especially when I wake up in the morning.
What's really strange??!! I have no idea what I have done! All I can figure is that I wore my toms, and my foot is now in protest.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Oh... Hello September!
Want to know the best thing about September?? No... not pumpkin spice everything EVERYWHERE... The best thing about September is the crisp cool air that slaps you in the face when you walk out the door in the morning!
Friday, August 19, 2016
Last Day of 32
Monday, August 8, 2016
Size... does it matter?
I found this picture to be funny, but it's so incredibly true! I am becoming more and more self aware, and realize that I am a big girl. I have always known that, but it's taken some time to realize just how big I have gotten.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Day 3 - Just a Quick check in
Day 3 - how is everyone doing on their "start over"? I am actually doing well! Getting my water in, which is important, and doing my best to keep food logged.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Hunka Hunka Burnin Love... or Fat?!
In listening to Podcasts for information for this blog to help me AND you, I heard some great info on burning fat. (Jillian Michaels to anyone who might want to know)
Monday, August 1, 2016
Starting Over - Day 1
So... the month of July was basically a bust in the Loness house. We went on vacation, and just never did get back on the right track.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Hard Work Pays Off
Hard work is definitely paying off! Spending time figuring out food options for the week, making sure to get enough water and sleep, and focusing on making every minute at the gym count truly start to show results.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
I will be the first to admit that I have been slacking in the water department. And honestly, I can tell a difference in myself when I do drink my water vs. when I don't!
Monday, July 11, 2016
Time to Start Over
Time to hit that Reset Button on life! What? There is no reset button?? Well... That throws a wrench into the whole process.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Welcome Back!
It sure has been a minute or two, hasn't it?!
We went on vacation. And it was amazing! We went to Branson and just spent time together. See, since we work opposite shifts, spending time together is kind of rough. Especially when you through up to 4 days of training a week... but that's ok!
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Ohana means "Family"... Hale ha'uki ohana means "Gym Family"
There is something to be said for the people that you surround yourself with. Even the bible says: As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend - Proverbs 27:17.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Power Spitting
This might be a little gross, but I have been told that everyone does it... so here it goes!
Last night at Judo, I may or may not have worked a little too hard. I got there around my usual time, stretched out and got warm, and then we worked on mat work. I felt a little funny, but not too bad.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Review Time!!
Disclaimer before I review: I was NOT paid for my opinions. These opinions are mine and mine alone. They may or may not be similar to that of Scentsy, and Becky Sprague - Scentsy Independent Consultant.
Friday, June 10, 2016
What would you change?
This week, our local library uploaded that last 100 years worth of year books from the local high school. My facebook feed has exploded with people looking up photos! People finding family, their parents, themselves. Of course, I did the same. These are mine, freshman through senior year.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Planking Anyone?
Last night was Mauy Thai! We worked on clinch work, and because we were spinning in circles, and I was looking at my feet while doing so... I got super dizzy. That was lame. But it was a great class, and I learned that I just don't like touching sweaty people... especially face to face. But I will be alright.
Monday, June 6, 2016
I hurt today...
Heads up, this post may not have much to do with my journey or anything weight loss/mma/sport related.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
It's my Friday
We made it! My weekend starts tonight. Why? Because I am slinging tunes for the Edwardsville Relay for Life run tomorrow night.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Motivation Tuesday
I know that technically yesterday was the start of the week, but it was a holiday. Or in my world, an official part of the weekend!
Friday, May 27, 2016
Weekly Weigh-In...
Sleep has really been a rough thing for me this week. Between my medicine making me feel horrible, being crazy busy at week, and my entire bottom half just aching - I haven't gotten much rest this week.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Thursday Thoughts
How is everyone's week? Mine has been good, but I haven't made it to the gym a single day this week! Why? Because we are exactly 2 business days from our final BIG deadline at work!
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Doctors, Med Updates, and Blood Works...
I went to the doctor on Friday, basically to check up on my PCOS and make sure nothing was going wrong... My weight is down, as we all know, but the doc wanted blood work.
Monday, May 23, 2016
A little bit of everything
First, let me just say... if you have NOT watched this video, you need to stop everything and go watch it. Or scroll down to the bottom, I will post it too!
After throwing fits and feeling down, and even throwing myself a little pity party, I have now brushed myself off and gotten back up. I must admit, this video helped me. You can't possibly watch the Chewbacca Mom video without cracking up a little bit.
She says something very profound towards the end - "It's the simple joys!" and you know what? She is absolutely right!
What do you find joy in? What makes you laugh hysterically? What brings you happiness?
I find that when things just don't feel right, and a nap isn't helping either, and I have eaten what I can and when I can, I find joy in working my technique or Muay Thai and Judo.
Even though I was feeling like crap last week, and just ready to quit, I didn't give up on myself. I wanted to, but then I looked back at all of my posts and I looked at my food journal... I have come way to far to give up now.
And you have too! Even if today is only day 2, you CANNOT give up just yet! Eventually, it will be easier. It won't feel like such a chore to be healthy. Like a vlogger I follow said in one of his early posts "Time and Pressure. Time and Pressure." ShayCarl from ShayLoss.
When it gets hard, just find your joy. Have a good laugh, drink some water, and get right back to it!
Today is the day to get started!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
I QUIT!! Not really, but that is how I feel today...
I was looking over my food journal from the last couple of days... it appears that my cheat day fell into Saturday, and even yesterday.
At least, that is how I feel.
Honestly, my calories went over on Sunday, but I don't really track that day to begin with. Saturday and Monday, I was fine. I am sure today I will be fine too!
Went over a bit on salt though.. so that's not good.
I have a doctor's appointment this Friday, and I am kind of nervous about it. Mainly because I am working hard, eating SO.MUCH.BETTER, but the scale is not moving as fast as I would like it to. Those couple of pounds I was excited about have come back on... I just don't understand!
Honestly, it makes me want to quit! Why work this hard for no weight to be lost? I already know "muscle weighs more than fat" and "I am losing inches" but am I really? Mom and I measured Friday evening and our measurements went UP from what the doctor showed... WHAT THE CRAP MAN?!?!?!
Normally, I would just chalk it up to being a beginner and it's going to take time for my body to lose the weight that has taken me years to put on... but this is just flat out DUMB!! It is extremely discouraging, and I HATE it!
I blame the weather... it has been rainy and icky for days now. This is how I know for sure I wouldn't ever survive in the PNW. I need sunshine in my life!! This weather is making me extremely crabby...
I am half way considering doing away with a weekly cheat day, and turning it into a cheat meal on Sunday. I have to do something...
I did the calculations and in order to lose 2 pounds per week, I should only eat 1200 calories a day. I can do it, I have done it in the past, and as long as I eat tons of fruit and veggies I should be way more than ok. It's just so hard... and I guess I am feeling discouraged because I am not seeing the results I should be.
I should be getting faster in Muay Thai... but I feel slower. I should be getting stronger... I can barely do a push up.
Sorry to be Debbie Downer... but we all have days where we just want to quit. Today is my day.
Here's hoping tomorrow is better!
Monday, May 16, 2016
North/South 2016 Judo Tournament
This weekend was the 32nd Annual North/South Judo Tournament. It was held in Belleville, and 2 Judoka from my gym were competing. I was so excited that there was a tournament close by, so of course I went to show support.
Being brand new to the sport, and not knowing what to expect, I was super nervous about going. I am so glad I did! First, besides Sensei Jeremy, Sensei "Peeps", and Gabby's dad, no one else from our gym was there to show support.
You all already got to meet Rowdy Reagan, but Gabby Ward was also there to compete! She is currently a yellow belt from The Hit Squad.
Due to the division being so small, they did have to fight each other, and they did great!
They both were very sportsman like, and while Reagan won the match, they still congratulated each other and exchanged handshakes and hugs! It was great to see!
Here they got to share the podium! I was, and still am, extremely proud to call them teammates!
Gabby brought home 2 medals - Gold and Silver!! And all with an injured knee! She spent the day with ice on her knee, but when it came time to "go to work" she put the pain out of her mind and did what she needed to do!
Here are some more pictures from Saturday:
While the South did not beat the North, there is always next year!! Reagan did get to compete on the team:
It was a great competition, and our team of 2 did great! It really inspired me to do whatever it takes to be able to compete next year.
After I got home from the tournament, it was UFC 198 time! It was a great card, and Cris Cyborg's UFC Debut. We all knew it, she wiped the mat with her opponent in like 80 seconds!! WAY TO GO CYBORG!!
Other than that, nothing is new in my journey. I keep working hard, eating on my plan, and drinking my water.
How are YOU doing???
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